Richard Lovelace’s Understanding of the Pre-Conditions, Primary Elements, and Secondary Elements of Spiritual Renewal

Richard Lovelace’s Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal explores “the nature of revival and what it means for the church.” Lovelace takes his readers through the Jesus Movement, Jonathan Edwards, and a wide range of historical figures and movements. It’s a fascinating read. At the heart of his book, Lovelace provides the […]

C.S. Lewis on the Importance of Accessible Communication

Our business is to present that which is timeless (that which is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow) in the particular language of our own age. . . . We must learn the language of our audience. And let me say at the outset that it is no use at all laying down a priori what the […]

Christ and Culture: The Call to be Salt and Light in a Decaying and Darkening World

Alasdair MacIntyre, in his book, After Virtue, argues that Western culture is in a situation very similar to the cultural moment when the Roman Empire fell. Rather than being governed by reason, faith, or some combination of the two, our culture is governed by emotivism. Emotivism is the concept that moral choices are simply expressions […]

Shane Pruitt’s “4 Generation Fade” Away From God

Evangelist, Shane Pruitt, has worked with young people and their families for years. From his experience and research, he came up with what he calls a “4 Generation Fade” that every family should be aware of as they set the priorities for their families. It goes like this. Generation 1: Parents don’t make church a […]

Endorsements For “21 Days To Childlike Prayer: Changing Your World One Specific Prayer At A Time”

I’m deeply grateful for each of the endorsers and endorsements below for my forthcoming book, 21 Days To Childlike Prayer. Each of these men and women have been used by God in my life in some unique way. My book comes out January 18, 2022. You can pre-order it here (or anywhere you buy your […]

Answers to Specific Prayers: Prayers for Two Evangelistic Opportunities by the End of the Week

Chris and I were finishing up a short meeting with a time of prayer. Although we weren’t meeting about evangelistic efforts, my prayers included a prayer that that God would provide each of us an opportunity to share the gospel with someone by the end of the week, that we couldn’t miss. Then I headed […]

Robert Murray M’Cheyne Describes 4 Practices That Marked His World-Changing Life

Robert Murray M’Cheyne lived a short, impactful life. He was 29 when he died in 1843. At the time, he was the pastor of a 1000 person church in Scotland. D.A. Carson says that he is one of the “overlooked shapers of evangelicalism” (2). I recently read David Beaty’s excellent book about M’Cheyne, called, An […]

The Coronavirus, Fear Reducing Facts, and 6 Christian Ways To Respond

The coronavirus is here and it’s making its presence known. Schools are shutting down. Stores are limiting the amount of water and hand sanitizer you can buy. New York has called the National Guard into certain neighborhoods. The governor of Kentucky asked churches to stop gathering for worship. Washington State is prohibiting gatherings of more […]

3 Sentences Worth Celebrating

In Mid-TN, where there seems to be a church on every corner, a Bible on every bookshelf, and Jesus in every heart, it’s easy to forget that 85% (ish) of the people here don’t have a relationship with Jesus. It’s common to assume that everyone has “arrived” spiritually. It’s not unusual for people to think […]

5 Reasons I’m Excited That We’re Starting Another Worship Gathering

Four years ago we set out to start a church that would join Jesus in building Redemption City with the gospel—a city where everyone is redeemed, every aspect of life is redeemed, because it is completely centered on the Redeemer (Rev. 21-22). We’ve given our lives to connecting people to Jesus and growing people in […]