How Long Does It Take To Read Each Book Of The Bible?

The Bible’s a BIG book. With something around 783,000ish words, the Bible easily fits into the “longer than average” category for books. A book of this size, as important as it is, can be hard to work through in the busyness of life.

That’s why I love the infograph below. It breaks down the amount of time it takes on average to read through every book of the Bible. This info helps busy people see how much time is required to read through a book of the Bible. When you compare the amount of time we spend on our phones, watching T.V. (several hours a day), and other things like this, you see we really could work through the Bible in the year.

Take a look at it and commit to saying “no” to a few more television shows or hours spent on social media, and yes to God’s life-giving word.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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